The Super Babies Wikia
The Super Babies Wikia

The telescope, one of numerous artificial instruments of science.

Science is a pursuit of knowledge, encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment in order to form of testable explanations and predictions about how it operates. Given their lack of mutated aptitude, and general comfort at finding convenience at that which they do comprehend, Fobbles are naturally inclined to science as mutants are to mutantry, although mutantry is in fact a form of science and is thus experimented with in a scientific manner.

Astronomy, herbalism, transmutation, zoology, serums and others are all examples of sciences enhanced by mutantry.[1]

There exist numerous scientific theories, such as World Yoking Theorem, written and illustrated in a book by a superhero that theorized the existence of the Interdimensional World. The Interdimensional World did exist, and was accessed by Hathaway during the Cosmic War, despite Roxanne Waterston nearly getting there during the War on Terror.[2][3]

Despite this rapid development, some areas of science are still somewhat limited. Some prominent people in the field include Janus and Cara Mota.[4]


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Astronomy Platform, where class is held

Astronomy is the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. It is a subject where the use of practical mutated energies during lessons isn't necessary. Marcheous students are known to be skilled in Astronomy, implying the teaching that is provided at Marcheous is excellent. People in the Eight Worlds have limited knowledge about astronomy and the universe around them. This extends to knowledge of eclipses and solstices, which are featured extensively in history and events. Spirits and people on the Eight Worlds maintain repositories of this information in various locations.

Astronomy lessons are spent learning the names of stars and the movements of planets. It is a required class for the first five years of study, and is optional in the last seven. In fifth year the Certified Aspiration Test examinations are taken. During the exam students must fill in a blank star chart. If a student achieves a passing C.A.T. score, they are allowed to advance to M.E.M.E.-level. Astronomy is one of the only fields of study at Superhero School which has a direct equivalent with the Fobbles. Known student activities include learning the names of stars, constellations, and planets, as well as their location and movements, and describing the environments of planets and moons. Musaca's Mutant Equipment in Merchant Alley sells telescopes and other equipment needed for Astronomy. Astronomy classes take place in the top-most level of the Astronomy Platform, the highest platform in Superhero School, and include sky observation sessions with telescopes (each student has to buy one of his/her own).

During the first year of studies at Superhero School, students must study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight and learn the different names of the stars and the movements of the planets. Toward the end of the year, Hadeline was quizzing Sean on Astronomy. Their studying included using a map of Jupiter. It was noted that Roger tried to learn the names of Jupiter's moons in his sixth year of study at Superhero School. During the sixth year of studies at Superhero School, students must study Jupiter's moons and write an essay containing facts such as Europa being covered by ice and Io having many volcanoes. For the Astronomy C.A.T. exam in their sixth year, each student has to "fill in a blank star chart" based on a few hours of observing the night sky. Coursework during this year was intensive enough that some students had to organize a meeting to help each other get through it.


Biology is a natural science with a broad scope. The power to manipulate the biology of anything is called biokinesis, a sub-power of materiokinesis and a variation of organikóskinesis. Numerous biological phenomena are to be considered. Endothermy, referred to colloquially as warm-bloodedness, was the physiological ability of some creatures to control their body temperatures through metabolic means, notably by burning food within themselves. To keep a being's body temperature high even in cold weather, that process required that being to use more food. In hot weather, the body of an endothermic being had ways of cooling itself off through perspiration—a process which, at least in Humans, produced a distinct smell. The opposite of endothermy was ectothermy. All mammals, and most birds, were warm-blooded lifeforms. While endothermic reptiles existed, they were not overly common. Any of a class of endothermic vertebrates that had the skin more or less covered with fur and usually bore their young live from the womb and fully developed, resembling miniature versions of their parents. Some, however, have been known to lay eggs e.g. nonols. Regardless of the birth process, all mammals nourished their young with milk secreted by the mammary glands of females. Humans were mammals. Subgroups of mammals included the cetacean, rodents, marsupials, primates, and pachydermoids.[5] Prince Zaron felt that the way some individuals allowed their temper to rule them was a legacy of their mammalian heritage.[6]

One's life path is the intended flow of one's life, from their birth to their natural death. Meddling with time can potentially alter the life paths of those they interact with, causing drastic changes in the original flow of history.[7] Mutants using Time Machines without caution have accidentally killed their past or future selves by mistake.[8]


Chemistry is the science concerned with the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, with a particular emphasis on its chemical reactions and bonds.[7] Annabeth Black mentioned it to Sēon Wan in 2028. Chemistry involves the mixture of chemicals and certain processes to get the desired end product. Annabeth was known to like chemistry, and in her childhood she used to play with her chemistry set, according to Brooklyn Gales. Brooklyn later mocked Annabeth, by saying that she should run off and play with her chemistry set.[9] Weapons that utilize chemical compounds or gases, such as flamethrowers or poison, could be considered a branch of Chemistry.[7]

Contingency smoke[]

The Contingency has a contingency of its own, created by Snowy and reverse-engineered by Katie Christensen. When hackers working for I.D.E.A.L. almost deleted the website, the smoke expanded into an extremely unruly nexus of abnormal size and heat, capable of seeking out living targets despite being non-sentient. Petrice was killed by it. It flows from computer monitors in a continuous stream, and every time the monitor shoots off another jet of smoke, it will become a metaphysical animal. When cast, the smoke appears with a roaring, billowing noise and gives its victims only a split-second's warning to escape, quickly consuming anything in the vicinity of its wielder. The fumes are of abnormally large size and take the shape of eldritch monsters and beasts such as serpents, dragons, eagles and chimaeras, constantly mutating into other beasts as well as powerful, formless smoke that destroys all things flammable around it. The smoke even possesses a sentience of its own, a continuous (though far from latent) desire to obliterate anything it can. It will pursue any nearby lifeforms and anything that it can destroy, and is capable of incinerating anything through mere contact.[10]



A sunflower

"The grass doesn't mind being walked on, but it does feel it."
"Everything that's alive can feel what happens to it. That's an important truth to remember.
―Tyson Jay Thompson and his mother, Summer Thompson[src]

A vast range of flora grows as the major producers of their respective ecosystems, varying greatly from place to place depending on climate and conditions. In some locations, such as Tsalla, plants were the dominant life form. Some plants were used for sustenance, others as tools, medicine, or even weapons. Sentient beings also grew vegetal organisms for the sole purpose of enjoying their natural beauty. Plants made up an important part of many a planet's total amount of living matter. The humid country of Tsalla housed immense primitive plants, including enormous pitcher plants and leafy growths. The ability to manipulate plants and nature is called chlorokinesis. It gives users the ability to accelerate the plants growth rate, communicate with plants, and create plants out of thin air. Roger Black made rosebushes grow at an unusually fast pace.[11] One of Rachel Bradley’s greatest gifts was her ability to commune with nature more deeply then most modern police officers. Able to control fauna and direct them with her will, she coupled this with her powers of chlorokinesis, which enabled her to alter the environment.

Plants were living organisms of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses. They were collectively referred to as flora by the scientists. Most commonly, plants absorbed water and inorganic substances through their roots, and synthesized both nutrients in soil and sunlight.[12] They could also be grown in artificial light. However, there existed carnivorous plants, which derived most of their nutrients from trapping and digesting animal victims.[13]

  • Chloro-Telekinesis: Rachel Bradley is capable of using plants to push, move, lift, or otherwise manipulate matter in general, doing so in conjunction with the environment against her foes.
  • Chlorokinetic Beam Emission: Rachel Bradley was able to concentrate beams of plant-matter into a powerful attack she could throw at foes.


Herbalism is the study of plants and fungi, making it the mutant equivalent to botany. Herbalism is a core class and subject taught at Superhero School and Niagerou School of Mutantry in which students learn to care for and utilize plants, learn about their mutated properties if present, and what they are used for. It is taught in Classroom 134.

First Year[]

  • Pyrokinesis
  • Bouncing Bulb
  • Slashing Effect
  • Moly
  • Dried Nettles
  • Aconite
  • Dark vines

Second Year[]

"Those are Spiky Bushes. You may cast fire on them but step back to avoid their needles."
  • Slugs and how to defeat them using Stunners.
  • Fluxweed

Fourth Year[]

  • Slashing Effect (Revision)
  • Mandrakes and how defeat them using Slash Effect.

Fifth Year[]

  • Slashing Effect (Revision)
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Seventh year C.A.T. revision

Seventh Year[]

  • Fire (C.A.T. revision)
  • Self-fertilizing Shrubs
  • Screechsnap
  • Chinese Chomping Cabbage

Tenth Year[]

"Now we're going to be dealing with more dangerous plants than ever."
―M.E.M.E.-level lessons[src]
  • Venomous Geranium


"So it's kind of like the Lake of Sadness […] you know, that lake down yonder. I think it's mutated."

Geology is the study of a planet's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it. Deserts were regions covered almost completely by sparse terrain that received little precipitation. While deserts supported very little vegetation or liquid water, lifeforms were still able to survive and cultivate the arid environments. Deserts were classified by lack of precipitation, not specifically heat as desert landscapes were simply arid because it was too cold to precipitate. A field is an often cultivated area of open land. Two large fields full of historical significance, the Western Field and Eastern Field, surrounding (mostly to the west and east respectively) two vast areas of land located somewhere between San Francisco, California, and New York. A volcano was a mountain from which lava flowed out. It also produced large quantities of black smoke that could block out the sunlight. Volcanoes that erupted regularly were called active, while those temporarily devoid of external activity were referred to as dormant. One volcano existed in Italy; another one even became a resort, coming to be called the City Volcano. Being abundant on Planet 12, wappts typically lived near volcanoes. Sometimes, the lava of a volcano would cool rapidly, forming black volcanic glass or black sand.


Rock is solid mineral material. Fluid, molten rock is called lava or magma. Often emanating from volcanoes, lava was extremely hot,[14] but when it stopped flowing, the substance cooled and hardened,[15] eventually forming dark lava sand.[14] Some mutants can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on the surface), a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles, and solids, it may also contain suspended crystals, dissolved gas and gas bubbles. Magmakinesis provides a mutant with an array of both offensive and defensive possibilities during battle. Only a small amount of earth is necessary to create a useful amount of lava to manipulate. The use of magmakinesis to turn a portion of the earth into lava allows users to isolate themselves from their opponents and avoid battles at close range. The attacks at the user's disposal range from small scale, like lava projectiles, to larger attacks, such as conjuring blasts of lava or entire streams or waves, straight out of the earth.

However, control is extremely important; otherwise, the power may provoke an undesired reaction, such as in the case of Mt. Vesuvius. Due to its own nature, lava can spread and cause more damage when left unattended, much like how fire is perceived by more prudent pyrokinetics. Unconscious use of this power is not something to laugh at.


Terrans have a considerable degree of medical knowledge. Doctors, herbalists, and spiritual healers employ over a thousand unique herbs and tinctures to treat a variety of ailments from baldness to fever. Medicinal plants are widely used to treat disease, stabilize wounds, and numb pain, often being made into herbal tea, and massage therapy is utilized due to its beneficial qualities. Other concoctions with more bitter tastes can be used in tandem with mutated healing to treat burns. Salves and ointments are used as well to cure rashes, such as when Annabeth Black was briefly poisoned. Pills are elaborate capsules, such as the ones hand-made by Charity's doctor. Charity Hirz took them for the last seven years of her life. They helped her regain strength after a traumatic surgery rendered her unstable and unable to do the aforementioned achievement, no matter what she tried. The pills are small and shaped like orange capsules, though for some reason they have patterns resembling those on a basketball.

In 2008, Nataya Hirz took Charity to get surgery to rid her of a mental disability she possessed, not bringing Charity's father along for unknown reasons. After conversing with the doctor, Nataya left into the lobby as the doctor began work. When the surgery period was over, the doctor finally realized he had failed at the surgery. He comforted Charity, who was crying, before leaving the room and revealing his failure to Nataya, and had accidentally wounded Charity in the process, physically and emotionally. The doctor, who was just as surprised as Nataya, made pills for Charity of his own handiwork that would help her regain her sanity and strength. He shipped them the next day with a letter of apology.

Charity continued taking the pills every day for the rest of her life. Slowly, her strength returned to her. She preferred to keep them in a small bottle, which she kept in a closet in her office whenever she was not taking them. When Annie paid Charity a visit in the latter's office, Charity told Annie to sit down, and then went to fetch a small bottle that had the pills. She walked over to sit by Annie, then revealed that the pills inside were to help her with her surgery from when she was eight. She claimed it would not be long before she was strong enough to teach the students again. She also said that it was best to relax during the operation. Annie said there were some odd things in her life, which helped her believe Charity's story.

Surgery is practiced too. Charity Hirz started out as a quite odd yet brilliant young girl. At an unknown period of time, her mother, Nataya Hirz, discovered Charity had Autism, something she was extremely disdainful of, being a neurotypical supremacist. Two days later, she scheduled an appointment to get her a vaccination to rid her of it. She told Charity this, who seemed somewhat intimidated at the thought of it. In 2008, Nataya Hirz took Charity to get surgery to rid her of her disability, not bringing Charity's father along for unknown reasons. After conversing with the doctor, Nataya left into the lobby as the doctor began work. The surgery on Charity lasted for two hours. Unfortunately, Charity was awake for the second half. When the surgery period was over, the doctor finally realized he had failed at the surgery. He comforted Charity, who was crying, before leaving the room and revealing his failure to Nataya, and had accidentally wounded Charity in the process, physically and emotionally. Charity had several scars from head to foot, and her personality was changed completely for the worse. The doctor, who was just as surprised as Nataya, made pills for Charity of his own handiwork that would help her regain her sanity and strength. He shipped them the next day with a letter of apology. The permanent effects of the horrific event were obvious, though Charity's physical wounds would eventually heal. This led to traits in Charity such as paranoia, extreme introversion, and the fierce desire to always wear the same shirt for a week in a row. Nataya also noted that she was gaining weight. Charity did not care how overweight she was, she just enjoyed TV and junk food. Even though she had very few friends at school, Charity did have a boyfriend named Conrad. And Charity did not lose any of her incredible intelligence.[16]


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Hell Burnbottom casting forth a shockwave

A wave is a periodic disturbance of the particles of a substance which may be propagated without net movement of the particles, such as in the passage of undulating motion, heat, or sound. The ability to manipulate them is called wafiakinesis, a sub-power of atomkinesis, agrikinesis, and fortikinesis. Users can control waves, including tidal waves, soundwaves, brainwaves, electronic/radiowaves, etc., controlling sonar waves to enhance/even mute them, or cause others to fall asleep by manipulating their brainwaves. They can intercept and interpret messages in radio waves, and cause massive tidal waves, washing away anything in its path. The ability to expand sound waves in an object until it explodes is called Sonic Combustion. Hell Burnbottom used this power in his insane celebratory outburst after Operation: Purge began in 2029.[17] This may have been a very indirect display of telekinesis.

As a black variant, waves of darkness manifest in the cells of sufficiently extreme Dark mutants as well as generated through Transmutation that create palpable waves of darkness — often visibly literal in their obscurity and accompanied by roaring, thunderous sounds. When exposed to waves of darkness, beings suffer from feelings of intense despair and confusion, before feeling compelled, if detained under the ward's power long enough, to flee the scene of the disturbance. These waves feed on human happiness.[18]


Zoology is an elective course at Superhero School that can be chosen by students in their fourth year. In the class, students learn about a wide range of animals, even unicorns. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of these various animals.

In a students' seventh year, they took a C.A.T. examination in the subject, where they sat both a written portion and a practical portion, were they demonstrated their knowledge of the subject. The mutants who succeeded in achieving a C.A.T. in the subject later could become zoologists. Known zoologists include Michael Palo and Paul Organa.

To promote the class and its lore, Mystical Organisms was a club at Superhero School for students with an interest in zoology. Meetings took place Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:45 to 8:00, and attendees were invited to bring their pets, in order to learn more about them.[2]

List of plants[]

Plant(s) Notes
Bush A type of woody shrub, distinguishable from a tree by its multiple, shorter stems which grow from or near the base, and was a common plant on many planets. The ones on Earth were of adequate mass for someone the size of Baby Intelligence to hide in.[19]
Flower A reproductive structure within flowering plants. A rose, for instance, is a type of flower. Chlorokinesis can cause roses to spontaneously grow. It is sometimes used to name women such as Rose Johannson. The Car Flower is a mutated planet correlated to one of the original 101 Holocards.
Googol Seed Shrub
Mercury Flytrap A carnivorous plant that is presumably related to the Venus flytrap. In the 2010s, Harriet Swenson was killed by Roger Black via Death beam. Eli was framed for the crime, and was considered to have brought his mistress a Mercury Flytrap without a seal.[13][20]
A yew tree
Large numbers of trees formed forests and jungles. Trees were a source of wood, and were often covered in protective bark, both of which could be extracted for numerous uses by various individuals. There exists a genus called Taxus, or yew. They are relatively slow-growing and can be very long-lived, and reach heights of one to forty meters, with trunk diameters of up to four meters. All parts of the tree are poisonous, but the wood is highly prized for the making of longbows.[21] A yew tree stood in the Lioness graveyard.[22] There were also yew trees in Rochester.[23]
Walking plant
Wild rice

Known alterations of people's life paths[]

Person Year Notes
Elise Mentum 2029 When Elise Mentum traveled back from 2029 to 1529 for five days, she caused "great disturbance" in the life paths of all those she met. Among the consequences of these changes was the un-birthing of twenty-five people descended from those she met.[7]

Known Herbalists[]

  • Whitney Bolon
  • Beatrix Darran
  • Dynamo
  • Harold Gumma
  • Tori Kettle
  • Danielle Park[24]
  • Rita Radcliffe
  • Philla Sparre[25]



Young Summer Thompson brushes her hair after taking a shower.

"I cannot pay you yet. The freedom of all from evil forces will have to suffice for now. But I promise I'll come back."
"And you'll pay me in full?"
"When have I ever failed to deliver?
―Baby Intelligence and Owen[src]

Scientists were beings who followed the profession of studying, and in some cases manipulating, the nature of the Sol System. Scientists studied biology, chemistry, physics, or derivatives of these fields. Many scientists also displayed a great interest in cells.[26] One noted nineteenth century scientist was Sid Levistan, who discovered how to use his mutation to make light emanate from his hand, inspiring the invention of the flashlight.[7]

A groomer is a person who cleans and cares for an animal, often tending to hair, a part of the anatomy that grew all over the body on many creatures and beings.[14] A hairbrush is an implement used to arrange hair,[3] while hair dye is used to change the color of a humanoid's hair. It is usually a liquid contained in a bottle, with an instructional label affixed.[citation needed] Doctor (abbreviated Dr.) was a title used by physicians and the holders of certain advanced university degrees, similar to mutants' Healers. Some doctors, such as the homicidal Conda, were of questionable integrity.[27] A xenosurgeon is a doctor who specialized in the operating on alien species.[citation needed]

Astronomers such as Iapetus Fanhunter study space.

A herbalist is an individual who is a specialist in the field of herbalism. Danielle Park and Dynamo were both Schoolteachers of Herbalism at Superhero School, while Whitney Bolon was a celebrity herbalist. An inventor is an individual who innovated a particular device or process. Nate Exozer is the inventor of the exoweapon.[citation needed]

A medimutant, sometimes referred to as a Healer, is the mutant equivalent of a Fobble doctor, working with nurses. They tend to the sick and injured. NYC Hospital (which is America's primary hospital) is one such place where a medimutant may work. Medimutants practice and utilize Healing powers to improve the physical and mental condition of a living being. Only individuals with healing powers are allowed to become medimutants. The robotic equivalent of medimutants, medibots, are more frequently seen, as of 2053.[28] NYC Hospital is one of the most well known places where medimutants work. It was created by medimutant Marley Grint in the 17th century. They treat diseases and injuries that have befallen mutants. However, medimutants can work in a variety of places. At Superhero School, there is a hospital wing run by the matron. Medimutants, along with their robot equivalents medibots, tend to the sick and wounded from the school but transfer anyone they do not have the resources to treat, to NYC Hospital. Medimutants also attend Crodela games as well to tend to potentially injured players.

To become a medimutant, one must have excellent academic credentials. In America they need at least five M.E.M.E.s, with a high mark of either '5' or '4' at: Science, Powers, and Defensive Arts.[22] A physician is someone who provides healthcare.[citation needed] A physicist is a scientist who did research in physics, which ranged from studying all types of phenomenon, from subatomic particles to the universe as a whole.[citation needed]

A scholar is an individual who studies history and historical sites in an attempt to form a better understanding of the past. The well-known scholar, Gentry Euler, was the first to discover the mutated properties of the letter x.[29]

A zoologist was a being who studied the physiology and behavior of wild non-sentient creatures. Michael Palo and Paul Organa were both widely acknowledged zoologists, especially since Palo was the author of The Ways and Cultures of Marvelous Beasts.[30] An individual may not need to have graduated from school to become a zoologist.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

  • While Herbalism is the study of botany and use of plants intended for medicinal purposes or for supplementing a diet, it seems to be an all-purpose phrase for botanists in the D.I.T. Literary Universe.
  • The term "Squib" likely comes from the English expression "a damp squib" (dud firecracker), an expected delight that disappoints. The word squib also refers to an incomplete or insufficient discharge of a firearm. The word could also be a pun on "skip", referring to the fact that the person was "skipped" by mutantry. In fact, at least one book series (Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth) used the word in a meaning analogous to Squib in several books.


  1. D.I.T. Literary Universe (TM)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Before The SMSB franchise (WITD)
  3. 3.0 3.1 D.I.T. Literary Universe (VOA1)
  4. D.I.T. Literary Universe (BVG3)
  5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named RC
  6. Boys vs. Girls franchise (Boys vs. Girls 2)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Mysticism Deluxe
  8. Agents of the S.M.S.B.: The Latest Threat
  9. D.I.T. Literary Universe (TM)
  10. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Twenty-Three
  11. Before The SMSB franchise (WITD)
  12. Before The SMSB franchise (WWHD)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named BTS3
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The Super Babies: Final Clash of Brethren
  15. Before The SMSB franchise (WIAB)
  16. D.I.T. Literary Universe (Annie and the Blue-Eared Kid)
  17. Sebiscuits trilogy (A)
  18. The Super Babies: Revenge of Hell Burnbottom
  19. The Super Babies: Revenge of Hell Burnbottom
  20. Agents of the S.M.S.B.: The Latest Threat
  21. Agents of the S.M.S.B.: The Inferno Relit
  22. 22.0 22.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named SMSB1
  23. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named DITS
  24. D.I.T. Literary Universe (WM)
  25. Mysticism Deluxe
  26. The Super Babies: An Ended Generation
  27. Before The SMSB franchise (WIAB)
  28. Agents of the S.M.S.B.: The Latest Threat
  29. Holocards
  30. Before The SMSB franchise (WITD)